Spiritual Protection


A Safety Manual for Energy Workers, Healers, and Psychics
Author: Sophie Reicher

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Spiritual Protection by Sophie Reicher
A Safety Manual for Energy Workers, Healers, and Psychics

This is a handbook for anyone interested in deepening their psychic abilities, training gifts already in evidence, or simply developing a greater sensitivity to energy. This no-nonsense book, with its special emphasis on safety, protection and energetic awareness, takes you step by step through a thorough system of exercises designed to increase competence, confidence, and skill. Focusing on oft-neglected fundamentals, Reicher cuts through the complexity and confusion often surrounding this topic with clear instructions and explanations that even the most novice readers can follow.

Spiritual protections will show:
-Psychics and readers how to cut mental ties at the end of the session.
-Healers how to avoid energetic overload during a session.
-Techniques that can be used every day to ease stress and increase well-being.

Spiritual Protection Contents

The Fundamentals
Basic Energy-Work and Magic
Chapter Notes
Recommended Blogs and Websites

“Troublesome energies are everywhere. As an energy-worker, you’ll find that keeping them our of your home, personal space, and body are one of the keys to continued health and strong practice. Sophie Reicher’s book is chock-full of useful techniques from many different cultural contexts for making sure that your magical tank runs clean.”– Raven Kaldera, author of the Northern Tradition Shamanism series.

About the Author:
Sophie Reicher has been an occultist, diviner, and magician for over 20 years. Originally trained in Ceremonial Magic, she has also studied Kabala, hoodoo/rootwork, and rune magic. She is a regular contributor to two online magazines: godsmouth.blogspot.com and bloodfordivine.blogspot.com.

Additional information

Weight8.5 oz
Dimensions8.25 × 5.25 × 0.5 in

New Page Books


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