Welcome Chaplains & Pagan Prison Ministers
ATTENTION: Our 2024 catalogs are out of print. We will add you to our mailing list for our 2025 catalog, which ships in December. You may still download PDF’s.
Our catalog provides chaplains, pagan groups, and residents access to a wide selection of books, tarot decks, jewelry, and more. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to make a catalog specific to each state. We attempt to include as many approved items as possible, which may or may not be allowed in your facility.
We do not mail catalogs to residents. If you have a loved one incarcerated, please use our contact us form for help with ordering.
We will only use your e-mail address to notify you of new catalogs or to clarify procedures for your facility. You will never receive e-mail solicitations. If we have not worked with your state before, we will contact you to request a copy of your institution’s personal spiritual supplies policy. This helps us serve you and your residents.
FREE Print and PDF Catalog
Fill out the order form below to receive free catalogs and instant access to PDF’s of our catalog and order form. While we offer the catalogs for free, they are not free to us. Please limit your request to 3 per facility or 2 per housing unit.
Asterisks show required fields.