Cultivating Empathy: The Worth and Dignity of Every Person- Without Exception by Nathan C. Walker



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Empathy Back Cover:

In this emotionally honest and personal exploration of conflict, the Reverend Nathan C. Walker introduces a creative and compassionate way to develop empathetic responses. He explored the concept of the moral imagination- a way we can project ourselves into a conflict and understand all perspectives, aware that understanding need not imply agreement.

Walker presents a series of revealing essays about his wrestling’s with personal and cultural conflicts and his commitment to stop “otherizing”- which occurs when we either demonize people or romanticize them. His remedy for these kinds of projections is to employ the moral imagination as an everyday spiritual practice. Through engaging and thought-provoking vignettes, he endeavors to find connection with skinheads, murderers, homophobic preachers, privileged 1-percenters, and Monsanto executives. As he experiments with this approach, he shows a modal that can help us all nurture greater empathy for those we have previously held in contempt.

Nathan C. Walters is the executive director for the Religious Freedom Center of the Newseum Institute in Washington, D.C., where he teaches First Amendment principles to help leaders to negotiate religious and philosophical differences in the public square. He is a Unitarian Universalist minister and author of Exorcising Preaching: Crafting Intellectually Honest Worship (Chalice Press).

Cultivating Empathy by Nathan C Walker table of contents:

Forward by Meg Riley
Meeting the One Percent
My God!
Reimagining Rwanda
With You Always
Get Up!
My Equality Complex?
A Letter to My Murderer
The Monsanto Beast

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Additional information

Weight7.25 oz
Dimensions8.5 × 5.5 × 0.25 in

Skinner house Books


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