Healing Ancestral Karma


By: Dr. Steven Farmer

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Has your family gone through the same trials and tribulations generation after generation?  Do you feel fated to continue that trend?  If so, it’s possible you’ve inherited the karma of your family members.  The good news is that you can break the cycle.

Renowned author, soul healer, and shamanic practitioner Dr. Steven Farmer shows you how to not only free yourself from negative cycles of the past but also access the ancient wisdom of your ancestors.

In Healing Ancestral Karma, you’ll learn how to:

Make contact with your ancestors.

Heal hereditary traits and characteristics that have compromised your physical, emotional and mental health.

Incorporate your ancestors’ wisdom into your spiritual path.

Clear karmic baggage so your descendants inherit only positive karma.

Imagine how different life could be if you had access to the wisdom of all those who?ve come before you. Healing Ancestral Karma shows you how. No matter what your current spiritual philosophy or practice, you can have a relationship with your ancestors and gain guidance, knowledge and healing.

About the author: Steven Farmer, PhD is a bestselling author, shamanic practitioner, hypnotherapist, and soul healer.  He teaches workshops and private sessions on Earth Magic, shamanism, and earth-centered spirituality, as well as hosting Earth Magic Radio on ContactTalkRadio.com.  His books include: Animal Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Earth Magic, and Healing Ancestral Karma. He makes his home in Laguna Beach, California, with his wife Jesseca and her two children, Serena and Arianna.

Additional information

Weight13 oz
Dimensions8.5 × 5.5 × 0.75 in

Hierophant Publishing


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